............... Image Credit: Max Camenzindand ....................
Mathematician Stephen J. Crothers seems to be spoiling all my astrophysics solutions! Crothers claims that the equations used to justify the existence of "black holes" are themselves either incorrect (with 3D versus 4D space inconsistencies and inapplicable radius curvatures) thus meaningless, in error and just plain 'wrong' ..
Crothers claims to have mathematically, meticulously and rigorously demonstrated that the math behind black holes has been incorrectly applied and in some cases incorrectly attributed (meaning that the wrong scientists have been given credit for particular valid or invalid mathematical contributions).
Referral: cyber-friend Michael Gmirkin (University of Oregon Graduate) - Plasma Cosmology and the Electric Universe -
Needless to say, Crothers' assertions are rubbing astronomers and astrophysicists the wrong way. However, if Crothers' assertions are accurate, then a vast portion of current astronomy may be predicated upon a patently false concept.
To briefly summarize some of Stephen J. Crothers' research regarding the history of black hole theory, you can review his papers below: